For more than a decade, LMCC/Chicago has provided at least two scholarships a year through its Electrical Industry Scholarship Program (EISP) to children of Local 134 members interested in working within the electrical industry. Chosen by a panel of professors from different universities in the community, the student must meet LMCC/Chicago’s high standards, including maintaining their grade point average, to continue receiving the grant of $5,000 per year for up to a total of four years.
To apply for the EISP scholarship, students must be high school graduates registered in a college or university in a field of study directly related to the electrical industry. In addition, they must be children of Local 134 members in good standing who are working under the Principal Agreement, Communication Agreement or Residential Agreement. Children of deceased members may also be eligible.
Each January, members of local union IBEW 134 will have an opportunity to register their children to receive this coveted award.